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MultiCX Prefs v1.10
MultiCX Prefs and this documentation are
Copyright © 1995 by Michael Barsoom M.D.
MultiCX Prefs may be freely distributed as long as no charge is made other
than to cover time and copying costs. If it is to be distributed via
floppy disk, this cost should be no higher than $3.00 (three) dollars US.
If distribution is via CDRom, the total cost should be no more than $25.00
(twenty-five) dollars US.
You may not copy and/or distribute this program without the accompanying
documentation unless you get permission from the author to do so. Fred
Fish and AmiNet already have my permission to include this program on their
CDRom collections.
You may not disassemble, decompile, re-source or otherwise reverse engineer
the program. If you wish to incorporate parts of this program into other
programs, write to the author to ask for permission.
Finally if you wish to include MultiCX Prefs on a disk magazine you are
REQUIRED to get the author's permission FIRST. Usually this will require
you to just send me a copy of the issue which contains MultiCX Prefs free
of charge.
Martin Berndt has my permission to destribute MultiCX Prefs with MultiCX.
This product is sold "as is" without representation or warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied. The user assumes all risks and
responsibilities related to its use.
1- Workbench 2.0+
2- gtlayout.library v15.1+ (included)
Copyright © by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
3- MultiCX (obviously)
Copyright © by Martin Berndt
4- WBStart-Handler (included)
optional - required only to use the "Start MultiCX" menu item
Copyright © by Stefan Becker
Usage is pretty self explanatory. Each of the gadgets corresopond to one
of MultiCX tooltypes. Please see MultiCX docs for explaination of each.
When you click on "Test" the current config is saving to the MultiCX icon
so you can try it out. If you then select "Quit" or "Cancel" then old
configuration will be restored in the MultiCX icon, that is if you have not
saved it. The test gadget will only be active if MultiCX is running.
Note 1: All unknown tooltypes in the icon will be restored when you save
your prefs. This will allow you to use newer version of MultiCX without
loosing the tooltypes for the new options that MultiCX prefs does not know
Note 2: MultiCX prefs will automatically add the ExtPrefs tooltype. This
will contain the path for MultiCX and your preference for WarnChanges.
MultiCXPath (tooltype or shell)
By default MultiCX Prefs will load the prefs for the currently running
copy of MultiCX. If for some reason you are not running MultiCX, then
MultiCX Prefs will load the icon specified with this tooltype. Remember
to specify the full path of the icon including its name with or without
the .info.
default SYS:WBStartup/MultiCX
WarnChanges=<YES|NO> (tooltype or shell)
Tells MultiCX Prefs not to put up the warning requester if you have
changed the current config. This option can also be changed by
toggling the "Warn Changes" menu item.
default YES
Bugs, Suggestions
you can reach me at the following,
snail Mail
Michael Barsoom
40 Scott Drive
Bloomfield CT 06002
Internet: mbars@bluejay.creighton.edu
Special thanks to Mario Cattaneo for beta testing, and helping find and fix
many bugs.
Version 1.10 (06.06.95 21:34:42)
- I has been brought to my attention the gtlayout.library
include with MultiCX Prefs does not work with a processor
lower than a '020. I am attempting to get this problem
fixed, but have been unable to do so as of now.
- Added support for CDUNBLANK
- Added support for AutoCenter
- Slight change the the MultiCX launch code. Fixes problem of
pathname being too long.
- Added DisplayBeep warning if MultiCX could not be started.
Version 1.9 (25.05.95 23:49:27)
- If run using asl.library v37, "picker" gadget for screenmode
will not be present.
- Added support for LockPubFlags
Version 1.8 (24.05.95 09:23:38)
- Added menuitem "Start MultiCX". To use this feature you
need to have WBStart-Handler installed in L:
Version 1.7 (23.05.95 21:19:06)
- One could not toggle the "Warn Changes" menu item when
running on WB 3.x. (fixed)
Version 1.6 (23.05.95 15:24:09)
- MultiCX was not running the preference editor as a backround
process, so MultiCX Prefs will now include a "RUN" in the
EXTPREFS tooltype. This should solve the problem of some
of MultiCX's hotkeys not working, while MultiCX Prefs is
running. Reported by by Mario Cattaneo
Version 1.5 (22.05.95 14:23:52)
- Will now periodically monitor to see if MultiCX is still
running and appropriately disable/enable the "Test" gadget
and "Quit (Prefs and MultiCX)" menu item
Requested by Mario Cattaneo
- Opps, was saving CX_POPKEY tooltype as CX_POPUP (fixed)
Version 1.4 (21.05.95 08:05:52)
- Added "Warn Changes" menu item, under the "Options" menu
- Will now automatically add the tooltype "ExtPrefs"
- Added support for BackCycle hotkey.
Version 1.3 (19.05.95 19:08:29)
- Added "Quit (MultiCx & Prefs)" menu item
- Added protection to prevent prefs from being run more than
once. Now if you run it again it will cause the already
running one to pop its window to the front.
- Added HotFlush and CX_PopKey
Version 1.2 (19.05.95 09:06:47)
- Now if you are testing a config, and open a different config
the old config will be restored to the icon prior to loading
the new config.
- Put back MCXPath tooltype. Now if MultiCX prefs is running,
MCXPrefs will load its icon, otherwise it will load the icon
specified in the tooltype.
Version 1.1 (18.05.95 20:36:02)
- Removed window close gadget, as prefs editors should not
have them
- Added support for reading location of MultiCX icon from
MultiCX semaphore. This feature requires v1.69 of MCX.
- Code which was saving all unknown tooltypes would prevent
certain options from being disabled. (fixed)
Reported by Mario Cattaneo
- Prefs window in now an appwindow, you can now just drop your
MultiCX prefs icon on the window and it will be
automatically loaded.
- Added incrementer arrow buttons to PopCLI stack.
- Added TDRetry, TDStep, TDSettle, TDCalibrate
- Added AvoidTask and AvoidScreen
- Removed DONOTWAIT as it is no longer needed.
- All unknown tooltypes will now be saved back into the icon.
Requested by Martin Berndt
- Added page menu, for faster access to config pages.
- Increased number of configuration pages
Editor will now fit on a standard Hi-Res NTSC screen
Version 1.0 (09.05.95 12:50:08)
- Forgot version string (fixed)
- Added tooltype "WARNCHANGES", you can now disable the
requester notifying you that you have made changes to the
current config.
Requested by Mario Cattaneo
- If no valid config exist's in memory selecting save will
bring up a file requester so you can select which icon to
save the config in.
- If MultiCX icon fails to open, "Test" gadget & "Last Saved"
menu item will be diabled.
Requested by Mario Cattaneo
- Now requires gtlayout.library v15.1, fixes problem with
PopCLIStack being lost if the "Misc" page was not the
front most.
- Now uses memory pools.
- Replaced menuitem "Use" and replaced it with "Test" gadget
requested by Mario Cattaneo
- Will no longer fail to open icon, if you included the
trailing .info in the MCXPath tooltype.
reported by Mike Krings
- New icon, thanks to Troy "Doogie" Davis for sending it to me.
Version 0.91 (24.04.95 13:11:13)
- Added DONOTWAIT option
requested by Mario Cattaneo
- Blank time was not being displayed correctly (fixed)
- Added CDNOBLANK option for MultiCX v1.62
Version 0.90 (12.04.95 14:43:08)
--- Initial release ---